"Whaddya mean I have to rehab?!"

Check out Sleeve's Rehab Schedule

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Sleeve's weight sessions run like so:

Length:  About 3 hours, for the exercises, waiting for equipment, warm up, cool down, and chatting with the chick stretching next to me.  I consider this as much training as I do rehab, and do two sessions, no more, each week during peak marathon training. 

LEG CURLS - microfx leg.  4 sets:  2 sets @ 90 lbs, 2 sets @ 100 lbs.  good leg,  2 sets:  1 set @ 90 lbs, 1 set @ 100 lbs

SQUATS - 5 sets, 15  reps @ 90, 100, 110, 130, 140 lbs.  Watch the knees, to make sure they're not squatting beyond the feet.

LEG PRESS - microfx leg.  5 sets: 15 reps @ 110, 115, 120 lbs; 12 reps @ 130, 140 lbs

HIP ABDUCTORS - 5 sets: 15 reps at 140, 145, 150;  12 reps @ 155, 160 lbs.  Yeah, this is a sissy machine, but how else do you work these muscles?

HIP ADDUCTORS - 5 sets: 15 reps at 140, 145, 150;  12 reps @ 155, 160 lbs.  Yeah, this is a sissy machine, but how else do you work these muscles?

SKIER SQUATS - 4 sets:  2 sets @ 110 reps; 2 sets @ 120 reps.  With volley/soccer ball between legs.  Watch the knees, to make sure they're not squatting beyond the feet.

SINGLE LEG BEND - microfx leg.   4 sets:  2 sets @ 50 reps, 2 sets @ 70 reps.  Off a raised platform, w/ stick or cane in right hand for balance.

WALL SQUAT - 5 minutes.  Imagine you're sitting down, at 90 degrees with knees above, not over, ankles, and with the wall as the back of your "seat", only you have no seat to sit on.   You've got it--now hold it for 5 minutes.  Work those QUADS!!!!  Find good reading material.

STRAIGHT LEG RAISE - microfx leg.   10 sets:  15 reps each, with 10 lb ankle weights.  At end of each set, contract/hold leg up for 10 seconds.

STEP-UPS - Fast high knee-raise exercise with a platform 1-1/2 feet off ground.  5 sets @ 1 minute/each.   Makes you look like a complete idiot at the gym, but great for getting that spring back in your stride.

Waiting for Equipment - When I'm stuck waiting for someone to get off the equipment on which I've got my eye (sometimes because the occupant has confused the gym for a library as she is consumed by her Entertainment Weekly magazine), I will find some nearby wall space and do the wall squat until she finally gets off.  This can take as little as 5 seconds, but, on occasion, has taken up to 5 minutes, in which case, I break up the squats.

At the end of weight session, I include one of the following:

AQUA RUNNING (or AQUA XC SKIING):   30 minutes.  Excellent aerobic, non-impact exercise.  Simulate "running" with high knee motions, but you've really gotta push yourself to get that heart rate going, b/c it's a lot lower than you think it is.  I prefer to wear my Polar HR monitor while I'm doing this.  To add greater resistance, and to work the hamstrings, simulate XC skiing, instead of running--kinda like a wooden soldier march........yeah, those snickers you hear are coming from the lap swimmers .

TREADMILL:  3 miles. Normally, I only reserve this annoyance for inclement weather days (i.e. rain), but at the end of a tough weight session, it's less strenuous than running on the roads with a microfractured knee.  It's fast, it's convenient--the fast food of running.  But make no mistake, running on a treadmill is NO substitute for running on the roads.

ELLIPTICAL TRAINER:  30 minutes.  EXCELLENT low-impact exercise that works the quads and hamstrings, provided you've got the machine set at the proper course and level.  The thing to remember with this is....KEEP YOUR HANDS OFF the handlebars.  You can perfectly simulate running motion here, w/o the impact, provided you pay attention to form, using your arms for balance, moving them like you're "running."  Pay no attention to everyone else grasping the handlebars, while they read their Entertainment Weekly and Sports Illustrated magazines.

LIFECYCLE:  30 minutes.   After a decent warmup, I like to either do 5 minute intervals at a "challenging" resistance setting, or 1 minute sprints at "challenging" resistance and RPMs.   Again, this one is fast and convenient--the fast food of biking.  But make no mistake, the lifecycle is NO substitute for biking in the Headlands or up California Street, not that I've ever tried.

PROTEIN:  And finally, word has is that it's a good idea to slip in some protein within 30 minutes of a hard resistance workout, to aid in muscle recovery and buildup.  My favorite source:  PromaxBars, containing 20 grams of protein per bar, or a simple 2 cups of cow juice, providing the same amount of protein, and extra calcium for the ladies.  Fear the Luna Bar.

Stop by and show me your knee & scars, at Pinnacle Fitness at the Jewish Community Center in SF.  Shalom.