Enter Sleeve's Knee:  A Visual Escapade

31 August 1998

Graph of Sleeve's "osteochondral defect of the patella"....

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If I'm interpreting this correctly, Dr. Eakin (aka the MICROFX GURU), has cleared away the defective areas in the cartilage, revealing the underlying bone marrow--the earth tone colored regions that look like cookie dough cutouts....

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This part is grrrreat--however, this may not be for the queasy at heart.  If such is the case, then turn around........OK.  Holes, or "microfractures," are made in the bone marrow, releasing blood to form a clot.  New fibrocartilage matured over the weeks and months following the surgery--finally allowing Sleeve to train for that 2:40-something marathon which has eluded him since this ugly, ugly problem surfaced....

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More microfractures and blood.  The two guys wearing the chili pepper and martian caps are the assistant surgeon and anesthesiologist....

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